My dear friends of the blogosphere,

I ran away from home and came to the beach. I’m not sorry. It was just what I needed. Remember I have been using a SAD light for sunshine? Well, I decided to come to the real thing.

The beach: 

The Pokéstop right outside the room:

The hotel: 

The view at dinner:

The T-shirt store:

Thanks for understanding.

Where is your favorite place to escape?

7 thoughts on “Ran away to the Beach

  1. I’m glad you got your beach time! I’m sure it was well deserved so no apology necessary. Thanks for sharing a piece of your beach with us! I don’t really have a favorite escape place cause I rarely get to escape but I wish I did!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t do the sun, bur twins separated at birth…the beach at twilight. The long broad expanse of sand, loose and tumbled shifting beneath steps and still warm from the day’s heat. Then the wet, firm packed edge of the land where the sea brushes up against it, cool with the breath of the depths. I usually seat myself somewhere in the hinterland between them and watch as the sun stain on the horizon fades away to nothingness. The homeward winging of the birds and the salted breeze and the voice of the surf soothing in its endless litany.

    Liked by 1 person

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